Community Driven Logo

As we often say, PGMG isn’t just a business... it’s a family, and one that is proud to be part of our community. We're acutely aware how challenging the last couple of years have been for everyone, and like all businesses, we’ve been working hard to ensure that we have been taking all the necessary steps to keep our team and community safe. We also recognise that there are many vulnerable people in our local community with particular needs and many experiencing economic uncertainty. We know that it’s our responsibility to help support these people.

Part of the community

We are immersed in our local area and have strong community visibility and ties. We have a community partnership with the Sir Roden and Lady Cutler Foundation and previously have assisted the Auburn Youth Centre with their mobility needs.

Sir Roden and Lady Cutler Foundation

Sir Roden and Lady Cutler Foundation

We have an ongoing long-term partnership with the Sir Roden and Lady Cutler Foundation who are a Charity, with headquarters in Concord. The Foundation provides free transport within metropolitan Sydney. There services are for vulnerable members of our community, including children, elderly and disabled, who cannot otherwise get to and from medical appointments. Our partnership assists the Foundation with their transport services. We have also supported events they have held such as their annual Golf Day, the most recent one was held in October 2022 which raised over $40,000.

Donations for those in need

We have felt fortunate to be in the position to donate to both local and nationally established organisations who work assists to help those fallen on hard times or affected by natural disasters.

We trust that our contribution to each organisation supports them in their valuable work assisting the most vulnerable members of our local community during these challenging times. We invite you to learn more about the organisations we supported.

Schools Plus

Schools Plus

The Dealership donated to Australian Schools Plus to help children facing disadvantage to succeed at school. Over 300,000 students in need have been given opportunities that make a real difference to their education and their lives based on donations. Financial support has empowered schools and teachers in disadvantaged communities to introduce initiatives that will help their students succeed. You can read more about the projects and initiatives supported by Schools Plus.



Our donation to GIVIT assists making real and positive differences to the lives of Australians in need, including giving support to assist recovery after the devastating storms and flooding across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland in 2022.

“We are very grateful. Your donation is incredibly powerful and will help change the life of someone doing it tough. You have donated much needed funds to allow GIVIT to purchase what’s needed”.

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue

We hold events such as ‘Jersey Day’ at the Dealership and acknowledge special days like this with donations to chosen charities. In 2022 PGMG donated to Beyond Blue as part of this activity. Beyond Blue provide valuable information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone in Australia.

The Smith Family

The Smith Family

We have supported The Smith Family to contribute towards Australian children and their education. In the past we have done the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal.

Unicef Australia

Unicef Australia

Our donation to Unicef was in support of their COVID19 vaccination appeal to ensure free access to the COVID19 vaccination to all people in all countries worldwide.

House of Welcome

House of Welcome

The House of Welcome exists to welcome, shelter and empower people seeking asylum and refugees regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, nationality or religion. They provide client-centred holistic supports that nurture hope, advocate for justice and promote self-reliance, whilst acknowledging the dignity and the rights of each individual. They work each day to support members of our local community with practical support (including food), housing and employment.

Western Sydney Community Centre

Western Sydney Community Centre

WSCC was established in 2015 as a not for profit and Charity Organisation to service the wider West and Southwest Sydney regions promoting social cohesion and community harmony. WSCC runs a weekly community pantry in Auburn to ensure food security for vulnerable people in our local area.

I just wanted to thank you personally for your generous donation on behalf of the Phil Gilbert Motor Group. We were absolutely chuffed to receive the support, particularly during a hugely challenging year with the floods in QLD and NSW. We appreciate you choosing to support Schools Plus very much indeed, so thank you again!

- Irene Ryder, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Schools Plus

Beyond Blue Jersey Day

Beyond Blue Jersey Day
Beyond Blue Jersey Day
Beyond Blue Jersey Day
Beyond Blue Jersey Day

Environmental Partnerships

Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral

We’re always mindful of the environmental impact of the industry that we operate in, and we think it is important to consider how we can operate in a way that is mindful of the environment.

In 2022 we partnered with Carbon Neutral and from July on, we have planted a native tree or shrub in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor for every new and used vehicle sold by the Dealership.